Who is Reagan Hack? Meet Southern Hospitality's new cast member as her relationship becomes the topi

Southern Hospitality Season 1 Episode 6 featured the arrival of a new cast member, Reagan Hack. Her presence didn’t make fellow co-stars happy as they had a history.

In Episode 6, Leva Bonaparte welcomed Reagan to her nightclub, the Republic Garden & Lounge, and mentioned to her staff that the newbie would be joining the team. While Southern Hospitality fans might have seen Reagan for the first time, she was a familiar face to the cast members.

Will Kulp used to date Reagan, but he was cheated on. Maddi Reese stated that the latter had a tendency to cheat on her rich boyfriend, Reece. She further mentioned that Bradley Carter was one of the Charleston boys with whom Reagan had hooked up while Reece was away for work.

Reagan Hack joins Republic as VIP Sales

The cast of Southern Hospitality mentioned in their respective confessionals that Reagan used to work at Republic earlier. She left her job to travel the world with her boyfriend, Reece William, but is now back to her job as VIP Sales.

According to Reagan’s LinkedIn profile, she has been part of more part-time jobs than full-time. She worked part-time at a steakhouse restaurant in Greenville for a year. Reagan then did an internship at the South Carolina House of Representatives as a campaign assistant.

The new Bravo star had another part-time job at Charleston Medical Spa as Client Sales Manager. During this time, she also pursued her Bachelor’s degree from the College of Charleston.

Post graduation, Reagan became a model at Ursula Wiedmann for over three years. She simultaneously joined Republic Garden & Lounge and started working for Leva. Her LinkedIn profile does not mention the break she took from her job to travel.

Reagan also works remotely for Palmetto Publishing as a marketing copywriter. The Southern belle mentioned in the bio that she’s looking for PR and writing jobs.

In her personal life, she is dating Charleston’s rich businessman, Reece William, aka Reece Kimsey.

Meet Reagan’s boyfriend Reece

Reece is the principal/head of site acquisitions at Middleburg Communities in Charleston. He also works as a managing principal at Wayah Wake Real Estate Advisors.

Going by Reece’s LinkedIn profile, he has worked in the real estate industry as well as the legal market. In Southern Hospitality Season 1 Episode 6, he was described as a possessive, rich boyfriend who might not appreciate Reagan working at Republic.

Bradley, who hooked up with Reece, confessed that he was afraid of Reece as he has contacts all over South Carolina. Reece has kept his Instagram profile private and has slim chances of being featured on Southern Hospitality.

Why did Reagan’s relationship discussion turn into a fight in Southern Hospitality Episode 6?

Reagan’s arrival didn’t make many staff members happy. While Grace Lily, Bradley Carter, and Mia Alario were ecstatic with her return, the remaining cast members were annoyed with Leva Bonaparte’s decision.

Maddi claimed that Reagan used to spread rumors and lies, and stated that she had cheated on her boyfriend with Bradley. In Episode 6, things escalated when Reagan didn’t invite Maddi, Will Kulp, and Emmy Sharrett to her birthday party.

After the party, the group joined those who were not invited, leading to a big blowout. Maddi and Will kept throwing shade at Bradley and Reagan’s past hook-up, while Bradley threw Emmy under the bus for her peanut butter secret with Maddie’s boyfriend Trevor.

The episode ended with a fallout between the co-stars. Only time will tell whether they will become friends again.

Viewers can tune in to Bravo every Monday to watch a new episode of Southern Hospitality Season 1 at 9:00 pm ET.

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