Who is Knox MacEwen as Florida boy dies during JROTC 5k race, cause of death, bio, age, school

A 14-year-old Florida boy named Knox MacEwen recently passed away after suffering a cardiac arrest while running a 5K race under the school’s JROTC program, find out more about the boy and his cause of death

The tragic incident has left the boy’s family members as well as the entire school in shock and mourning.

Who is Knox MacEwen as Florida boy dies during JROTC 5k race, cause of death, bio, age, school and family

A 14-year-old, Knox MacEwen from Davie, Florida was a JROTC participant at Western High School. During a 5K race hosted by the program on Saturday, the young boy went into cardiac arrest shortly after completing the race.

Died: 14 (November 4th, 2023 – Davie, Florida) pic.twitter.com/O6CX4oTDuz

— Died Suddenly Worldwide (@_DiedSuddenly) November 7, 2023

NEW: Knox MacEwen, a 14-year-old boy, running a 5K race in Florida collapsed and died after suffering cardiac arrest

— Insider Paper (@TheInsiderPaper) November 7, 2023


Police officials initially withheld the student’s public identification in their remarks, but people soon found out via a GoFundMe campaign.

Florida boy Knox MacEwen passes away after suffering a cardiac arrest

The tragic incident took place at Western High School, located in Davie, Florida on November 4, 2023. Knox was taking part in a 5K race organized by the school’s Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (JROTC) program. After finishing the marathon, Knox collapsed, following which faculty members rushed him to the Memorial Hospital Miramar. There, medical officials eventually confirmed him dead.

Following the tragic incident, the school’s principal, Jimmy Arrojo, extended his condolences to the MacEwen family and the school community. In his speech, he requested that the entire community support one another during this difficult time. He also informed them that grief counselors are available to help students and faculty members’ deal with the tragic loss.


Knox MacEwen bio

Knox MacEwen was a 14-year-old student at Western High School in Davie, Florida. He was very active in the school’s JROTC program and also served in his local church’s children’s ministry.

A GoFundMe campaign for Knox MacEwen

A GoFundMe campaign was set up for Knox MacEwen following his tragic passing to help the family financially throughout the time of mourning. Moreover, Knox’s mother, Julie, recently battled an illness that has currently left the family with physical and financial hardships. The funds from the GoFundMe campaign will also help Knox’s parents, Kevin and Julie, take some time off work to mourn for their beloved son.

Growing cases of Cardiac arrest deaths

While cardiac arrest is a condition where the heart stops beating and affects people of all ages, there has been a growing case of such deaths over the past few years. In particular, cardiac arrest has been the main cause of death in young athletes. According to experts, roughly 200 youngsters die from cardiac arrest-related causes each year. As such, correct action and awareness are essential to preventing and responding to such events. The recent death involving Knox MacEwen serves as a terrible reminder of improving cardiac health awareness, especially for preventing cardiac incidents among younger people.


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