Clodsire is a poἰson and ground-type pokemon that first appeared in Generation IX. A quadrupedal, amphibious Pokémon, Clodsire has a spherical body that is dark brown on top and light brown on the bottom, creating a wave pattern in the center.
Its eyes are a deep black, its mouth is huge and its nostrils are pinpricks. It stands on four circular legs, each with three toes. Its broad, bulbous tail is marked by a small dorsal fin that extends from its lower back. It seems that Clodsire is related to Quagsire.
There are six circular, light purple markings on the top of Clodsire’s back. Clodsire’s defense mechanism consists of protruding enormous, thick, light purple spines from these locations in the event of an attἀck.
Clodsire’s high resistance to harm should be taken into account when designing its Tera Raid version. Prepare for the event by spending 252 EV (Effort Value) points into the Pokémon’s HP stat, as recommended by Game8. The other state that should be maxed out is Attἀck and the final four points should go to Special Defense.
Clodsire will have more endurance and damage output thanks to this EV allocation. The next step is to use a Nature Mint from Pokémon Scarlet or Pokémon Violet to transform Clodsire into an Adamant form. Despite lowering its Special Attἀck by one point, giving Clodsire an Adamant Nature raises its Attἀck value.
This is a smart move as the majority of its Ground-type techniques are Physἰcal, rather than Special. To complete the stat build for Clodsire’s use in Tera Raids and increase its power to its maximum potential, players will need a few Bottle Caps to IV (Individual Value) train the Pokémon.
The three most important metrics are Health, Attἀck and Special Defense. Bottle Caps can be used to IV-train Defense and Speed in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet if the player has any extra. Since Special Attἀck is irrelevant to this composition, you can ignore it.
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Giving Clodsire its strongest Ability, Water Absorb is the next step toward obtaining its optimal Scarlet and Violet form. This ability not only renders it immune to Water-type attἀcks, but also causes it to heal health whenever it is hit by one.
Although Clodsire’s Hidden Ability Unaware has its uses, Trainers will find that Water Absorb is more effective in most scenarios. In Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, if a player has Clodsire with the Hidden Ability Unaware, they must use an Ability Patch to remove it.
This optimized Clodsire build can be used by Pokemon Scarlet and Violet players to defeat 7-star Greninja Tera Raids in online play. Your job as a support Pokemon is to limit the number of times the Greninja can attἀck.
Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet have kicked off the 7-Star Unrivaled Greninja Tera Raid event, which has the potential to be the game’s hardest Tera Raid to date. This monster requires coordinated effort from all players due to its powerful six-move arsenal and dynamic type.
Even though Clodsire’s ground typing makes it weak against Unrivaled Greninja, this build has it covered. However, Clodsire’s ability gives it the upper hand it needs to be a competent attἀcker against Greninja.
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