Answer: Unlock a Door. Question – Which of these is not a cleaning spell? Answer: Confrigo.Click to see full answer. In this regard, which of these is not a cleaning spell Harry Potter?Answer: Confrigo. Question – Who is the Transfiguration Professor? Answer: Professor Minerva McGonagall. what is a cleaning spell? A cleaning spell is a generic term for a spell used to make an object cleaner, such as the Scouring Charm or Skurge Charm. Just so, what is the Harry Potter spell for cleaning? The Scouring Charm (Scourgify) is a cleaning charm used to make an object clean. It can also be used to clean out smaller infestations of bundimun. This spell is listed in the third chapter of Book of Spells by Miranda Goshawk.What are some Harry Potter spells? These are the 10 most popular spells from the Harry Potter books 10 – Riddikulus. Spell used for getting rid of a Boggart (something that wasn’t quite appreciated for how scary it was, it should be noted). 9 – Obliviate. The spell made famous by Gilderoy Lockhart. 8 – Sectumsempra. 7 – Avada Kedavra. 6 – Alohomora. 5 – Lumos. 4 – Expelliarmus. 3 – Wingardium Leviosa.