Final Fantasy XIV’s Island Sanctuary feature has proven to be quite popular among fans who just wish to kick back and enjoy the quiet life. Raising animals for crafting materials is a huge part of the Island Sanctuary experience, and Square Enix will add additional creatures to find over time. Some of these animals are notoriously rare to spawn and require specific triggers before they will appear. One such elusive creature is the Apkallu of Paradise. Here’s where you can find a Apkallu of Paradise on your Island Sanctuary.
The Apkallu of Paradise is an adorable red penguin creature that dwells around the north coast of your island just to the northeast of the waterfall area. Players who wish to tame it do not need to have flying unlocked on their Island Sanctuary before hunting this bird.
Related: All Island Sanctuary rare animals in Final Fantasy XIV, and how to get them
The Apkallu of Paradise is found at (X:19, Y:11). However, it will not always be at this location. In order for it to spawn, your must visit your Island Sanctuary between the time period of 12:00 PM and 3:00 PM Eorzea time. Eorzea time is the game world’s clock. The Apkallu of Paradise is considered a small beast and can only be captured with a Makeshift Net.
This is a fairly small window to catch this creature, and getting there in time is not always easy. To help with this, players utilize outside websites that monitor the Island Sanctuary’s upcoming weather and give a heads up on when the animal will spawn.
Related: All island sanctuary animal leavings in Final Fantasy XIV and how to get them
The Apkallu of Paradise will provide players with an Egg and a rare chance at a Fleece when collecting from it at the pasture. Feeding it Premium Island Greenfeed once a day will give it a much higher chance to provide a Fleece. These items are useful in crafting at the workshop.