Salary explored as Reliable Sources host is fired by CNN

American correspondent Brian Stelter has been asked to leave CNN after the network announced that they were canceling his show, Reliable Sources.

As per The Hollywood Reporter, a spokesperson for CNN broke the news in an official statement, saying:

“CNN will end its Reliable Sources program on Sunday, August 21st. As a result, Brian Stelter will leave the company. We appreciate his contributions to the network and wish him well as he embarks on new endeavors.”

Stelter, 36, hosted CNN's longest-running show, Reliable Sources, which was on schedule for 30 years. He first joined the organization in 2013.

Shortly after the announcement, Stelter also confirmed the news via an official statement, adding that he would give further details on Sunday, August 21's episode, which would mark his farewell.

“I’m grateful for my nine years with CNN, proud of what we accomplished on Reliable Sources and so thankful for the viewers who tuned in every week for our examination of the media, truth and the stories that shape our world. It was a rare privilege to lead a weekly show focused on the press at a time when it has never been more consequential. I’ll have more to say on Sunday.”

The news of Brian Stelter's firing comes less than a week after CNN’s legal analyst, Jeffrey Toobin, announced his exit from the network. He left just 14 months after joining back following his bizarre scandal in 2020.

Brian Stelter's net worth is about $10 million

Born on September 3, 1985, Brian Stelter is a native of Damascus, Maryland.

As per news website Opoyi, Stelter's current net worth is estimated to be almost $10 million. He had a contract with CNN worth $1 million per annum.

Before joining CNN, Brian used to work as a reporter for The New York Times, where he covered broadcast and digital media. Some of his wealth also comes from authoring two best-selling books, Top of the Morning: Inside the Cutthroat World of Morning TV and HOAX: Donald Trump, Fox News, and the Dangerous Distortion of Truth.

Moreover, he also serves as the consulting producer for Jennifer Aniston and Reese Witherspoon's series, The Morning Show. He was also the executive producer for HBO's 2020 documentary, After Truth: Disinformation and the Cost of Fake News.

As per his CNN profile, Brian was a college student at Towson University when he started his own blog, TVNewser, and in 2004, sold it to Mediabistro.

According to NPR, Brian Stelter was informed about the exit by the CNN CEO, Chris Licht, on August 17. Reportedly, since taking over as part of Warner Bros. Discovery's buyout of the former Time Warner corporation, Licht has been making changes across the company.

As of now, Brian has not discussed his future plans after he is done with his last show on August 21, 2022.

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