Reason for Sydney OnlyFans star Paris Ow-Yangs drunken crash

An OnlyFans star who crashed her $50,000 Mercedes while four times over the legal limit says went out drinking to numb “pain and hurt” she felt after a breakup.

Paris Ow-Yang, 18, crashed her vehicle into another, red Mercedes worth $150,000 while it was parked in Point Piper in Sydney’s east at 8:45 p.m. on October 18.

The crash happened after the teen spent hours “drowning herself in alcohol” after a break-up with nightclub baron Julian Tobias, 44, a court heard on Friday.

Ow-Yang started out on the day of the incident at midday at a local restaurant, before moving on to drink at a separate Chinese restaurant and a friend’s place, Downing Centre Local Court was told, according to the Daily Mail.

When police arrived at the scene after the crash, she blew 0.213 on a breathalyzer and was found not to have green P-plates on her car.

Paris Ow-Yang crashed her vehicle into a parked Mercedes worth $150,000. Instagram/@ppwyang__

The legal limit in NSW is 0.05 for full license holders and 0.00 for P-platers.

Ow-Yang attended court on Friday dressed in a pale blue blazer, matching heels and white dress pants while carrying a large designer Chloe bag.

She was accompanied by her dad, neurosurgeon Michael Ow-Yang, and lawyer, Michael Bowe.

Bowe told the court the crash was the result of a “perfect storm” after Ow-Yang “spiraled out of control” and “couldn’t cope” with the breakdown of her relationship.

She had been “drowning herself in alcohol”, Bowe said, adding: “She was just burying herself in her own depression and issues, hoping alcohol would disguise the pain and hurt.”

The OnlyFans star reportedly “spiraled out of control” after a breakup. Instagram/@ppwyang__

Police facts state that after her arrest and while in police custody, Ow-Yang “made verbal comments about wanting to die and having no purpose in life”.

Bowe told the magistrate that Ow-Yang had completed a traffic offenders program and had “been off alcohol for at least three weeks”.

He entered a guilty plea on Ms Ow-Yang’s behalf.

Magistrate Rodney Brender convicted Ms Ow-Yang and sentenced her to a two-year community corrections order. She was fined $1000 and will have to pay for the two damaged vehicles.

Her license was disqualified for nine months, after which she will spend 24 months with an interlock device, which means her car won’t start without an under-the-limit breathalyzer result.

Ow-Yang’s driver’s license was suspended for nine months. Instagram/@ppwyang__

Brender told the teen that her behavior had “put you and other people on the road in danger”.

He warned the incident could warrant 18 months in jail and that “where moral culpability is increased by aggravating factors anything less than jail is generally inappropriate.”

“If it happens again … (yes), jail,” Brender assured the star.
