How terrible is Dakota Johnsons Allure cover for the February issue?

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I cannot get over how bad this Allure cover is with Dakota Johnson. I like Dakota just fine – she’s bland, but talented. She’s not my favorite but she’s far from the worst. She’s also a lot prettier than people think – she’s just had a series of terrible hairstyles and I don’t think she completely understands her style or what looks good on her figure. But it’s downright mean to do this to her on the cover of a national magazine, right? Ouch. Anyway, Dakota covers the February issue of Allure because that Fifty Shades movie is coming out. I’ve lost track – this is the third one, right? Fifty Shades Freed. It looks terrible, and I think Dakota is just going through the motions on this promotional tour.

How Fifty Shades helped mold her as an actress: “Fundamentally, I’m open and warm. At my core, I’m a bleeding heart. But when your life is exposed and when the movie that exposes your life is exposing your emotions and your body, it can be very scary. Throughout this entire experience, I’ve learned that I can expose my heart and my emotions and I can still protect myself. I can still be vulnerable and strong. It’s a constant ebb and flow and a battle and trying to figure out how to have those things coexist within me. That’s what I’m grateful for.”

Why she chooses certain projects: “I don’t know how to explain it in a way that doesn’t sound hokey, but when I’m on a project, I’m on it for a certain reason, and I’m involved with the people for a reason. It’s always some sort of weird marriage to something that’s happening in my life, or the character has some connection to something that’s going on [in my life].”

[From Allure]

Fifty Shades is fundamentally about a naive, self-absorbed dumbass falling in love with a rich, abusive narcissist with HUGE mommy issues. And Dakota relates to that, she swears. It speaks to her on a personal level. She’s dating Chris Martin now! Hahahaha.

As for how she’s grown and changed in the past few years… I see that from her too. I remember how Dakota seemed like she was always near tears a few years back, but being one half of a popular franchise has made her more confident and stronger as a person.

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Photos courtesy of Getty, cover courtesy of Allure.
