Another controversy has erupted in the Alia "SSSniperwolf" vs. John "Jacksfilms" saga after some Redditors discovered that the former was re-uploading old videos despite her recent YouTube demonetization. On October 22, 2023, Redditor u/No_Rich5432 shared a 41-second clip on the r/JacksFilms subreddit.
In the post, they showcased that a video Alia uploaded on December 10, 2017, was re-uploaded on October 19, 2023, to her alternate channel—SSSniperWolf Top Videos. The original video, which was uploaded five years ago, was titled TWITCH STREAM FAILS GONE WRONG, and the re-uploaded one was titled Craziest Gaming Fails and Wins | SSSniperWolf.
Redditor u/No_Rich5432 wondered if uploading old videos from one channel to another is considered a violation of YouTube's ban evasion policy. They wrote:
"It's not violating YouTube's ban evasion policy if you re-upload your videos from a channel that isn't monetized on a monetized channel, right?"Drama Alert posted the update on X (formerly Twitter) on October 23, 2023, which has since garnered significant traction. One netizen chimed in with their thoughts, writing:
"This is a disgraceful double-standard across the board. An everyday YouTuber would be banned if they didn't matter."The conversation thread on the r/JacksFilms subreddit featured over 41 community members commenting. According to Redditor u/Lssjgaming, the 31-year-old content creator's old videos were still monetized:
Another fan accused YouTube of being "corrupt":
One community member believed YouTube applied a "band-aid" solution to the SSSniperwolf and Jacksfilms situation. They added:
"That's f**king crazy YouTube put a band-aid over this situation. She can still profit (from) her other channel, even though this is considered punishment."Here's what netizens on X had to say about the controversy:
SSSniperwolf posted a series of Instagram Stories on October 14, 2023, in which she allegedly took pictures outside Jacksfilms' residence. The latter responded by labeling her a "dangerous creator" and immediately requesting that YouTube intervene.
In a post on X, John wrote:
"SSSniperwolf just doxed me on her IG. Creepy, gross, violating. What you do is disgusting. You steal content and stalk YouTubers. YouTube, demonetize this dangerous creator, or just get her off your platform. She posted an IG story right outside our home and deleted it."Alia eventually accused Jacksfilms of harassing her, claiming that he was stirring drama to pay his bills:
"This creep has been harassing me for months, then plays victim saying, I threatened him when I just wanted to talk to him. I have no ill intentions. It's so sad when people have to constantly create drama to pay their bills."Following significant backlash from prominent content creators and netizens, YouTube temporarily suspended monetization on SSSniperwolf's channel in accordance with the Creator Responsibility policies. They also said that behavior from "both sides" was unacceptable on the platform.
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