Only Murders in the Building has returned for its long awaited second season with some new faces including Amy Schumer and Cara Delevigne. During the former’s appearance in the series, she claims to have sued Judd Apatow.
The comedian made the remark on the show, leaving fans wondering if the Parks and Recreation star sued Apatow in reality. However, Schumer has never sued Apatow publicly.
The reality star appeared in the second season’s premiere episode titled Persons of Interest. Amy Schumer plays a fictionalized version of herself who meets Martin Short’s character Oliver Putnam in the Arconia building elevator. She reveals that she is moving into the apartment building and will be residing in the apartment formally owned by music legend Sting.
During her conversation with Putnam, the latter asks Amy Schumer if she was suing him. To this, the 41-year-old responds:
“No, I only sued Judd Apatow.”Then the conversation quickly turns to business and Amy says that she would like to make a television show of the Only Murders in the Building podcast.
Amy Schumer did not sue the comedian in real life. This would mean that the line was simply a dialogue for the series.
Schumer made her debut as the lead actress in the 2015 comedy film Trainwreck, directed by Judd Apatow. The film went on to impress critics and financially succeed by earning $140.8 million at the global box office.
This is the only time the two popular comedians have worked together. However, sources claim that the two share an incredibly close relationship.
Speaking about Schumer, Apatow told Vox in 2015:
“I really wasn't familiar, and then I just sat in that parking lot [listening] for 45 minutes. I didn't get out of the car. I thought, 'Oh, these are definitely movies.' So I asked her to come in, and we started kicking around ideas, and that led to Trainwreck. But I haven't had that experience with anyone else where listening to them talk made me think, 'Oh, this is a natural storyteller.'”The two comedians have never had a public falling out, which seemingly proves that Amy Schumer did not sue Apatow in reality.
The second season of the beloved show arrived on Disney+ and Hulu on Tuesday, June 28, following the first season's final episode, which was a cliff-hanger.
The main characters Charles-Haden Savage (Steve Martin), Mabel Mora (Selena Gomez) and Oliver Putnam find themselves embroiled in a new investigation. This happens after yet another murder takes place in their New York apartment building.
However, this time, the podcast trio become suspects in the death of Bunny Folger, who is the president of the Arconia building board. The trio is suspected after Mabel is found crounching near Bunny's corpse.
The podcast trio embark on a mission to clear their names from being suspects before their apartment neighbors assume they were responsible for the crime.
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