Brad Pitt Allegedly Caught In Gay Scandal: Angelina Jolie, In Tears, Calls Off Wedding Report (P

Brad Pitt Allegedly Caught In Gay Scandal: Angelina Jolie, In Tears, Calls Off Wedding - Report (PHOTO)

I think by now we all kind of realize that being in a relationship with Angelina Jolie is no easy task and a lot of double standards likely exist. Like the way that no one has ever really accused Angie of being the most loyal woman on the planet but crossing her will lead to 4 different kinds of crazy being unleashed. In the 9 years that Angie and Brad Pitt have been together there have been frequent rumors about her hooking up with other men and even having a few chicks on the side.

According to the April 28th print edition of National Enquirer Brad is clearly not allowed the same sort of freedom. There are rumors beginning to swirl that Brad recently hooked up with a guy and the result has been crushing to his engagement because when Angie caught wind of the whole story she immediately called the wedding off. This isn’t the first time that we have heard about Brad landing in hot water. A few months back he was spotted partying a little too hard with a much younger brunette before leaving an Arizona pub with her. Supposedly after that Angie took advantage of the fact that they were thousands of miles apart and refused to even take his calls.

Brad and Angie are a couple on the rocks according to Enquirer. How about Angie and Brad’s longer term prospects? They put on a good show for the public, no doubt, but will they ever actually make it down the aisle – or is this a relationship that will stay stalled out until it finally dies? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!
