Bow Wow Addresses His Recent Controversial Performance

Bow Wow performed in a location packed with people these days, and as expected, he received massive backlash. He now made sure to issue an apology and to share more thoughts with his fans and followers after what had happened.

He posted the following message:

Safe to say the mayor of houston hates my guts. I cant believe i get the blame for a whole weekend. This is ridiculous.

— Bow Wow (@smoss) January 18, 2021

H continued and said:

Heres the TRUTH: My only statement. 1. It was not a bow wow concert. I simply did one verse to like you. And went back to my section and simply put my mask BACK on.

2. I did not i repeat did not GET PAID for anything. It was my boys 30th bday weekend and i came down off the love

— Bow Wow (@smoss) January 19, 2021

He also made sure to issue an apology, and you can check out his message below.

3. I apologize if i did anything wrong. I love the city of houston. I consider it like a 2nd home. A place i go to on my free time.

4. Sorry to the mayor for any confusion. I understand the time we are living in so I apologize.

— Bow Wow (@smoss) January 19, 2021

Bow Wow also said: ‘My clip was the only clip to go viral and we know why. Anything with my name attached to it reads HEADLINES. Thats why they chose me. I understand this is what I signed up for. I can take all the heat and not sweat. Sorry for any confusion.’

A follower said: ‘Starting a point with I apologize IF isn’t an apology, but ok. Maybe just make better judgement calls than attending shit like that during a pandemic? Woman shrugging I want to go party with friends too and see my damn family for the holidays, but I know better dude.’

Somoene else posted this: ‘Absolutely right. The excuse of ppl saying that they have a choice is getting old, and it’s irresponsible to host a super spreader event period. It’s a slap in the face to the thousands who died, who are still dying and all of the front line workers.’


What do you think about all this mess around Bow Wow?
